Do you realize that in the dark ages we would have been burned at the stake as wizards for this?
If you’re lucky enough to have a subscription to The Monster Times you will be treated to amazing upcoming attractions like: a two-part story on the old EC Comics (the ones that were so horrifying that they inspired the invention of the dreaded Comics Code!), a super-special feature on Bradbury in the comics, plus articles on the monsters of Prince Valiant, on Flash Gordon (not to mention an interview with Buster Crabbe), and an interview with George Pal.
PLUS: the further adventures of Mushroom Monsters; an in-depth look at Roger Corman and his Poe adaptations; original comic strips and fiction by the likes of Frank Frazetta, Gray Morrow, Denny O’Neil, and Kirk (Superman) Alyn; calendars of special sci-fi, horror, and comics conventions across the country; movie, record, and book reviews; product tests; original color centerfolds in each and every issue; rare poster art from films; and much, much more! And next time out we have a whole STAR TREK issue – about every aspect of TV’s greatest sci-fi show, including an original STAR TREK poster by Gray Morrow and an interview with none other than William “Capt. Kirk” Shatner himself!
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How does one get one’s claws on each and every issue of MT?
Read on and see!
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