THE MONSTER TIMES FAN FAIR is another reader service of MT. Care to buy, sell or trade movie stills, old comics or tapes of old radio programs? Or maybe buy or advertise a fan-produced magazine? An ad costs only 10 cents per word (minimum, 25 words).
Make all checks and money orders payable to THE MONSTER TIMES, and mail your clearly printed or typewritten ad (or fill out coupon on back cover) to: THE MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. We reserve the right to refuse ads which would not be deemed appropriate to our publication.
Wanted: Sax Rohmer books: Dope, Yuan HeeSee Laughs, Romance of Sorcery, Bimbashi Naruk of Egypt, Nude in Mink, Sinister Madonna-P.C. McMillan, Traer, Ia. 50675
Factors Unknown Nos. 1 & 2 featuring the “Teachers’ Trilogy”: A ScienceAdventure Trio linked by origin. $1 from J. Glenn, 517 E. 38th St. Bklyn, N.Y. 11203
Doc Helix is coming from Jacouzzi and Fortier – Watch for him soon! Ronald Fortier, 13A Water St., Somersworth, N.H. 03878
Wanted: 16mm and 35mm horror and science fiction films, trailers, shorts. Also posters and movie props. Wes Shank, 20 South Roberts Road, Rosemont, Penna. 19010
Buy, Sell, Trade, Comics, Pulps, Comic Strips, Marvels, D.C.’s, many others, send S.A.S.E. for Free list, Ed Noonchester, 12759 Caswell Los Angeles, Calif. 90066
Recent Comics Wanted! Send 10 cents for my want list or send your selling list. Thanks. Leo Keil, 2300 Riddle Ave., Apt. 208, Wilmington, Delaware 19806
Wanted: Gothic Blimpworks 1-4,6,8, J122-Books with works by Bode, Metzger, Crepax; Delta 99, La Casa, Mata, etc. John Provnovost, Box 1010, Waterville, Me. 04901
Posters, radio & movie soundtracks, press books, stills, comics, big-little books, etc. Reasonable Prices … 10 cents for list, Dee Magers, 3302 Edgewood Road, Columbus, Ga. 31907
Fandom Stranger fanzine contains sensational art, articles & stories by fans & pros. $1 a copy from Box 344, St. James, N.Y. 11780
Wanted-16mm prints on the films of Abbott and Costello, Marx Brothers. Have many titles to trade. Bill Longen, 1338 Rodman St., Phila., Pa. 19147
Star Trek, Raquel Welch, etc. Color 8×10 photos, $3.00; B/W photos, $2.00. Send SAE to Jim Mathenia, 1602 N. Mariposa No. 8, Hollywood, Calif. 90027
Lizard Inn 2-AN SF Fanzine featuring Bode, Todd, Lapidus, Rotsier, Klein, Bushyager. Contact: Dan Steffan/303 Stadium Pl., Box 161/Syracuse, N.Y. 13210! 60 cents.
Attractive, teenage comix/sc:fi/fantasy-loving girls: your letters will be welcomed by Folo Watkins, Box 110, Mason City, Illinois 62664
Wanted: E.C. and Golden Age comics, Weird Tales pulps (pre-1940), original art, and Prince Valiant Sunday pages. Thomas Griffith, 122 Hickok Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. 13206
Wanted: Original art by Frank Frazetta; Shambleau and Northwest of Earth by C.L. Moore: Oct. 1912, AllStory w/Tarzan of the Apes. Robert R. Barrett, 254 N. Estelle, Wichita, Kansas 67214
E.C. Comic Covers, Barbarella & 2001 slides for sale. Send for free list: Allen & Richard Halegua, 87-16 133 St., Queens, N.Y. 11418
Will pay 15 cents above cover price for Rolling Stone complete, good condition with four Beatles on cover. Send List: Robert Pujol 5824 Pernod, St. Louis, Mo. 63139
Exchange data on Fortean subjects: Abominable Snowpeople, Flying Weirdies, Phantom Panthers, all unexplainables. Loren Coleman, 203 Country Fair Drive, Apt. 14, Champaign, III. 61820
Wanted: “Scale Modeler” Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1 thru Vol. IV, No. 6. State price & condition. Norman Wilkerson, 4323 E. Hampton Way, Fresno, Calif. 93726
Help Circulate Kennedy Halves-If your local bank doesn’t have them, request they order them from the Federal Reserve Banks (they’re available, but gathering dust)! R.R. Misen himer, 421 Morada Lane, Stockton, Calif. 95207
Buy Monster Times! If you don’t a Horrible Fate will be visited upon you. Don’t let the Subscription Demon catch you unawares! Gregory W. Blackmer, 3530 Victoria Park Rd., Apt. 31, Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Hal Foster, Prince Valiant creator creates another masterpiece, “The Song of Bernadette“. $5.25 paperback, $10 clothbound. Hooka Publications, 2612 Rudy Road, Harrisburg, Pa. 17104
Comic-zine. Offset. Journey into comics Nos. 9 and 10. 30 cents each or Both for 50 cents! Paul Legrazie, 240 Garth Rd., Apt. 7A3, Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583
For Sale: Several Volumes. Flash Gordon (Raymond) in Dutch. Wanted: Orig. Raymond Art. William Goode, 30 St. James. Mansfield. Pa. 16933
Interested in serial stills & posters. State price & condition write to 5 Lothian Place, Phila, Pa. 19128. Good Luck to M.T.!
For Sale: Captain America No. 15$19.00, Sub-Mariner No. 10-$12.00, No. 39-$3.50, ERB–A Princess of Mars – $4.00. All items are Good-Mint. Add 50 cents for postage. Michael Uditsky, 532 Delancey St., Phila, Penna. 19106
Wanted: Spirit Sunday Sections by Will Eisner from 1940-1941 and 1946-1952. Joel Pollack 515 E. Indian Spring Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland 20901
For Sale: Many D.C.’s, Walt Disney’s, Gold Key & Dell, send 25 cents for price list. Ron Robinett 1015 Deakin, Moscow, Idaho 83840
The Collector regularly features contributions by some of the most talented fans and professionals around. 50 cents from: Bill Wilson/1535 Oneida Drive/Clairton, Pa. 15025
Wanted … half pages of full tabs Russ Manning‘s Tarzan Sunday and Daily; Mac Raboy’s Flash Gordon, and some by Dan Berry. Ben R. Reid, 7227 N. 26th Lane, Phoenix, Ariz. 85021
Wanted: Underground Comics, especially Gothic Blimp Works, old Yellow Dogs, and harder-to-find issues. Please send price list. Philip Rubin, 118 Willington Oaks, Storrs, Conn. 06268