THE MONSTER TIMES FAN FAIR is another reader service of MT. Care to buy, sell or trade movie stills, old comics or tapes of old radio programs? Or maybe buy or advertise a fan-produced magazine? An ad costs only 10 cents per word (minimum, 25 words).
Make all checks and money orders payable to THE MONSTER TIMES, and mail your clearly printed or typewritten ad (or fill out coupon on back cover) to: THE MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. We reserve the right to refuse ads which would not be deemed appropriate to our publication.
All kinds of good comics for sale at ungodly low prices. Send for free list. Ron Kasman 254 Codsell Ave., Downsview, Ont., Canada
Pen-Pals Wanted: Comix, Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans Preferred. Write F.L. Watkins, Box 110, Mason City, Illinois, 62664
Wanted: First 10 Doc Savage pbs. Also movie stills, sf posters, comix posters. Write before you send. Larry Brnicky, Box 32, Owen Hall, West Lafayette, Indiana 47906
Wanted Detective Comics No. 64. Will pay $20.00 for complete mint near mint copy. Write Ronald Wilber, RFD, Clements Road, Liberty, N.Y. 12754 before sending.
Alter Ego – published by Marvel associate editor Roy Thomas. 4 issues $5. No. 10 (Kane, Kubert, Wood) $1.50. 305 E. 86th St., Apt. 18K-West, N.Y.C., N.Y. 10028
Send for free lists of thousands: pulps, comics, ’40-’71, mags: sale, or trade for my wants. Randolph M. Poling, 3813 Trilby Dr., Apt.B, Indianapolis, Ind. 46236
The Last Avenger Lives! A.A.D. 44 Palmer St., Medford, Mass. 02155
Wanted: Contact No. 3. any Gothic Blimp Works with MWK, Wrightson, Bode. Ken Strack, Cave Creek Stage, Box 153-B, Phoenix, Ar. 85020
Wanted: Original Art, Fantasy Stills, Superman Cartoons, Sale: Amazing, Gersbeck Autographed ish 1.-G.H.Orentlicher, 1782 Homestead Ave., Atlanta, Ba. 30306
Ray Harryhausen, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing are interviewed in the new L’Incroyable Cinema. $.80 from Steve & Erwin Vertlieb – 1517 Benner St., Phila., Pa. 19140
Wanted: Books illustrated by Maxfield Parish, Arthur Rackham, N.C. Wyeth and Frank Godwin. Send Prices to Dave Pardee 3047 Whitney Ave., Hamden Ct. 06518
800 Horror Comics (1950-1954) – Good Condition – Top Bid over $350.00 takes all: inquire: James M-G Hurst, 1249 E. Osborn Apt. No. 20, Phoenix, Ariz. 85014
Many Comics for sale, all 15°@ PB’s, Pulps, Mags, etc., Send 15¢ to Greg Rice, 1571 E. Bates Pkwy, Englewood, Colo. 80110
Want tape recordings of: Peyton Place, Doomwatch, Doctor Who, Forsythe Sage, U.F.O., Survivors and Strange Paradise. Ken Wong, P.O, Box 636, Port Hardy, B.C.
Wanted: Marvels before 1967 in VG to Mint Only. Also want art. Send prices to: Joe Barney, 1127, W. Spruce, Chippewa Falls, Wisc. 54729
For sale: Daredevil No. 20-52. All in very good condition. 200 each. Ronald Sewy, P.O. Box 72, St. John’s, Nfld., Canada
We buy old comic books Send list of what you have to sell to Post Office Box 850, Bronx, N.Y. 10451
Howski buys, sells, trades books, mags, comix. Interested? Inquire for information and opportunities at: Howski Comix and Productions, 18 Hawk Rd., Levittown, Pa. 19056
Wanted: Sunday Newspaper strips by – Eisner, Foster, Manning, Hogarth, Raymond. E.C. Comics, Finlay and Bok Portfolios, comic strip reprint comics. Similar items to trade. Gary Fairfax, Dept. of Physics, M.S.U., E. Lansing, Mich. 48823
THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF COMIX: Fan and pro entertainment by great writers and artists. Fifty cents from: Neal Pozner, 4028 Anne Dr., Seaford, N.Y. 11783
ON SALE NOW: THE SPECTRUM No. 3. 15€ each (20¢ each airmail) Vincent Marchesano, 19 Richwill Rd., Apt 313 Hamilton 40, Ontario, Canada
ROBERT KLINE PORTFOLIO Humor, Horror, Prehistoric lllos, 52 pages. $2.25 total from Gary Groth. 7263 Evanston Road, Springfield, Va. 22150
ERB-dom/THE FANTASY COLLECTOR: A double-barreled monthly magazine about Edgar Rice Burroughs, adzine for Science Fiction Book & pulp collectors. 3 sample copies, $1. CAZ, BOX 550, Evergreen, Colo. 80439.
CANAZINE, 50¢, 60 offset pages. Nostalgia! Canadian comics! Art; Romita, Spiegle, Metzger, Fritz, Costanza, etc. Text: Fagan, Isabella, etc. 5252 Borden, Montreal 265, Quebec, Canada.
L’INCROYABLE CINEMA, Britain’s finest fantasy film magazine is now available to American Subscribers at $.80 per copy, and $2.50 for three issues. Order now from Steve and Erwin Vertlieb, 1517 Benner Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19149.
Fandom’s Greatest Newsletter is Back! THE COMIC READER is now available from Paul Levitz, 393 East 58 Street, Bklyn, NY 11203. Offsetmonthly, 12-16 pages, 30¢ + an 8° stamp.
COMICS! Marvels (1964-1971) at DECENT PRICES! Most 200 or 404. Send S.A.S.E. for price list; Dan De Prez, 11015 N.E. Flanders, Portland, Ore. 97220
COLLAGE, Fandom’s only bi-weekly zine for film & comic fans, by Fandom’s oldest fanzine publisher. 5 Issue subscription, $2.50. COLLAGE, SW 212 St., Miami, Fla. 33157
“Hi. Remember the super-heroes of yesteryear? And how about the old E.C. science fiction & horror stories? Well, I got um’all on tape! If you’d like to trade your 25 year old comics for them, write to “Adventure Unlimited”, c/o Jimmy Thornton, Apt. 11-E, 225 East 99th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10029