Oh, be kind to your 6-footed friends, for THE FLY may be somebody’s brother-department:
In our next incomparable issue of THE MONSTER TIMES, we astound you by presenting more bugs than Agnew has adverbs.
We’ve got THEM!–gobs and hordes of THEM!, the giant-ant pic that made James Arness cheerfully go back home to the range. Them there THEM valiantly tried to take over the world … but them THEM bugs just couldn’t quite succeed.
However, the producers of THE HELLSTROM CHRONICLE calmly ho-hum that bugs indeed will out-out-live, out-last, out-populate out-eat and outstandingly rule whatever becomes of we mere humans. And use our human carcasses like hamburger stands for a gigantic eat-out.
With that chilling prediction in mind, we’ve acquired a special approPoe-ish comic strip by top pro-comix writer, Marv Wolfman, illustrated by pencil and pen whiz, Rich Buckler. They’re a new comic art talent combo to be reckoned with. Their collaboration portrays life among the humanoid insect-men who will someday replace us. And this chillingly prophetic comic art vision is aptly dubbed, “COMES THE GRAY DAWN!”
Marv Wolfman (his name used to be Marvin Vampire, but he changed it) has also contributed a lighthearted survey of INSECTS IN COMIX, and to help round out the creepish-crawl-ish, we’re reprinting a long-forgotten masterprose, EMPIRE OF THE ANTS, by sci-fi’s granddaddy-longlegs, H.G. Wells. Illos specially commissioned for it from pulp illustrator par excellence Mike Kaluta.
AND there are continuations of MUSHROOM MONSTERS and KING KONG, and some surprises.
NOW! isn’t that an issue you don’t wanna miss? If so, doncha wanna be double-darn sure you get it delivered to your door by the postman-just by filling out ye olde subscription coupon on this page? Doncha, huh? Doncha huh? Doncha?
Also with every subscription of one year or longer, you get a FREE 25-word classified ad to be run in our Fan-Fair classified page. You can advertise comics or stills or pulps, etc. for trade, or for anything else – provided it’s in good taste!