MT’s what we want in a monster newspaper, and (we think!) that’s just what you want, too! AND we’ve got scads and scads of articles & photos & comix and posters AND practically everything to do with Horror, Sci-Fi, Comix and Nostalgia, all set to go to press – AND we’ve got new ways of presenting them: special issues, with Comix related to films to records to products to books, and all like that there. AND we’ve got more news than we can fit in print, AND MONSTER TIMES PHOTO-COMIX, AND columns and reviews AND product tests, AND all sorts of vital or curious miscellaneous features. Our presentation is new to monster publications, our format is new, ditto our editorial slant – and most especially our attitude – we’ve all this great stuff – but how do you want it dished up to you? On toast? On a grave-digger’s shovel?
DROP US A CARD OR A LETTER LETTING US KNOW HOW YOU RECEIVE MT’S CONTENTS. – Rate our articles and features from A to Z, and – tell us what YOU want to see more of.
Our format is more flexible than Plastic Man, and as all-encompassing as THE BLOB. One issue can be a grabbing grabbag, like a Cracker-Jack box with all prizes, no popcorn – another can cover every aspect of something special, like this spiffy STAR TREK issue. Can you dig it? Sound OK?
Your wish is our command, O-Reader! Because THIS IS YOUR NEWSPAPER! We want to entertain, inform, amuse and edify you – whatever edify means.
OR – Are you content with the way we’re doing things, and have no complaints? Let us know that, too. Are you satisfied, or will you never be, that is the question.
We await your replies with bated breath. Send all your corroding criticisms and earmarked encouragements to THE MONSTER TIMES, P.O. Box 595, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. And expect to see them printed in a letter page, so keep ’em in good taste, gang!