We’re instituting an Inquiring Photographer column, Very Soon. We don’t know what to call it, probably something like The Inquiring Poe.tographer, The Photographing Inquirer, Monster in the Street, Fearful Fotos, or something ridiculous like that. But we need your help. Send us questions you would like to see asked of witty by unwitting fans and conventions and other ghoulish gathering plots. Questions like “Which do you prefer, Japanese or American monster films?” Or “Do you think monsters in TV commercials sell products?” Or “Do you know your hair is suddenly growing longer?”… well, we’re sure you can do better than what we just did.

We’ll credit each question used at the head of the column, and then ask that question of several people… and print their replies and photos.

Send your questions to PHOTOS COLUMN, THE MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old Chelsea Station, New York, New York, 10011.

We’ll pay $1.00 for each question used.